Society of European Nutritionist Associations (SENA)


Nutrition topics need to be approached Europe-wide
The foundation of Society of European Nutritionist Associations (SENA)

European associations have joined forces to promote comprehensive nutrition knowledge across Europe in 2022. SENA will serve as the network for nutritionists across Europe, enabling exchange and networking. It is meant to promote the collected expertise of nutritionists, who develop competent solutions to European questions on nutrition.

SENA will pursue three main aspects: promotion of nutrition-related public welfare, creating quality assured and evidence-based nutrition information, and acting as support for nutritional policy decisions. The founding members of SENA are Austria, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The society's headquarter is based in Vienna.


Society of European Nutritionist Associations (SENA)
Corneliusgasse 4/5
1060 Wien
ZVR-Zahl: 1009244425

Statutes of SENA
download here!